Course description: The course aims at introducing the science and technology of services.
Services are now the dominant part of economic activity in developed and developing countries, Greece especially, because tourism and commercial shipping are the backbone of the economy. Use of ICT has been a key driver in this quickly developing services, as well as it is expected to remain the same way in the future.
The science of services design studies services in time, and formulates theories about their functions and projections for future development.
Technology services plans, measures, analyzes, and implements complex service systems consisting of machines (hardware and software) and humans.

Course content:
- Introduction to XML
- Writing XML and Well-Formed XML Documents
- XML Namespaces
- Document Type Definitions (DTDs)
- XML Schema Language
- XML Path Language (XPath)
- Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT)
- XSLT and XPath
- HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- XML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- Document Object Model (DOM)
- XML Query Language (XQuery)
- Web Services
- JAX – WS

Course format:
Slides, exercises, book, code examples, in class demos, online tutorials.

Keywords: XML, Web Services.

Last modified: Tuesday, 24 December 2013, 9:59 AM