Name: Antonios Hourdakis

Lecturer Info: Anthony Chourdakis studied at Panteion University and He studied classical philology and history at the Philosophy Faculty University of Crete ( a scholarship ) . be Doctor of History of Education, University of Sorbonne . To2004 elected Professor at the Department University of Crete , which teaches of In 1990 . the His research interests lie in the field of History education and teaching history . He is the author of seven books and about seventy studies and Articles in Greek , English , French , Russian , Portuguese and Arabic . IIb . Illustration : Aristote et l'Education, Collection Pédagogues et Pédagogies, No20 , Presses Universitaires deFrance, Paris, 1998 ( this study and translated released and Portuguese Aristóteles ea Educação, Edições Loyola, São Paulo, Brasil, 2001 and published in Russian in the collective volume entitled Istoriya obrazovaniya i pedagogicheskoj mysli v epokhu Drevnosti, Srednevekovjya i Vozrozhdeniya / History of Education in Antiquity , the Middle Ages and the Renaissance , eds T. Matulis, Moscow, University Publishing , 2004), «Aristotle on the Necessity of Public Education by Randall Curren », in: The School Field. International Journal of Theory and Research in Education, volume XIII, no 1/2, 2002, pp. 23-30 ( the magazine did special tribute to famous American aristotelistiRandall Curren and invited experts from around the world who were involved with the Aristotle contribute to this tribute ), «Homo Historicus: How the Teaching of History and Culture Contribute to Shaping Future Citizens », in: The School Field. International Journal of Theory and Research in Education, volume XIII, no 6, 2002, 20s . The Education in the Cretan State (1898-1913) , Athens , ekdoseisGutenberg , 2002 , From mikroistoria education . A child's scrapbook tou1900 - 1904 , Athens , Path Publishing , 2004, "A global dimension via the teaching of the ancient world: theoretical concepts and an empirical approach from Greek primary textbooks ", Mediterranean Journal ofEducational Studies, 1/2 (1996) 157-182, "'MADE IN ...' or teaching history in a global age", in : Education of Ethnic Minorities: Unity and Diversity, 12 th World Congress Rethymno, CreteGreece, May 9-12, 1997, Ellinika Grammata, Athens 1999, pp. 491-518, «La pathologie de la guerre et la pédagogie de la paix chez Thucydide », in : Etudes Helléniques, Tribute : Thucydide. Théoricien des relations internationales, the participation of a French academic and ellinistriasJaqueline de Romilly, vol. 6, no2, Automne 1998, pp. 159-182, "History of Greek education" in : International Handbook on History of Education, Kadriya Salimova, Nan L.Dodde (eds.), Russian Pedagogical Agency, Moscow, 2000 ( in Russian : Pedagogy Peoples World. History and Modern Times : Greece ), Kadriya Salimova, Nan L. Dodde, (eds.), Moscow , 2000 , pp. 130-163, «La Formation tout au long de la vie: l'origine et l'évolution de sa conception de l'antiquité à nos jours »( collaboration) , in : Actes de la Conférénce Internationale, Kolymbari (Crète), 26-29 octobre 2002, La Formation Initiale des Enseignants et la Formation toutau Long de la Vie, Paris, Institut EPICE- INRP (sous la direction de Fr. Cross), 2005. He has worked on projects on the teaching of history and Culture and production of teaching material for Greek children 's abroad as part of the " Education Diaspora ." other scientific studies related to " Study of History and the Universal 1 Education on the occasion of the Owner of Diaspora ' , in: Greek Language Education Abroad , Proceedings of National Conference - Panomogeneiakou , Rethymno26 -28 June 1998 , E.DIA.M.ME. , Rethymno1999 , pp. 404-417 , " Theoretical and teaching approaches in History and Culture : Prolegomena to Writing a Curriculum for Greek children abroad " in collective volume : Foreword Curriculum for the Greek Language Education in the Diaspora , E.DIA.M.ME. , Rethymnon , 2001 , pp. 155-210 , "Towards a ' History third space ' : Issues of teaching history and culture of Greeks of the Diaspora , " in Proceedings of the Conference entitled " History of Modern Greek Diaspora : Research and Teaching , " Michael Genesee ( eds.) , E.DIA.M.ME. , Rethymnon , 2004 , 15-23 . He has taken part in international and global conferences in Greece , Europe and USA and has been invited and has taught at the John PanepistimioSaint New York and stoI.U.F.M. tisAcademie de Créteil. She has also taught at seminars in homogeneous teachers around issues of teaching History and Culture in Rethymno, Athens , Paris , Naples , in Munich , Berlin, Hamburg , Brussels and London , under the research program " Expatriate Education ", University of Crete / Ministry of Education ( 1997-2004) . He has been invited by the University touWisconcinMadison ( as keynote speaker ) from the President of the School of Education Department of Educational Policy, kathigitiM . R. Olneck to lecture in Framework Educational Symposium entitled : «Paideia: conversations on education and culture, ancient and modern », stis2 Maiou2003 -3 in the United States and the next acad . year has been invited by the University of Moscow , Russia Academy of Sciences (since kathigitiVitaly Bezrogov) and the Sorbonne , Paris -5 (from kathigitiMichel Caillot) for a series of lectures . He is a member of the International Association for the History of Education (ISCHE), was State of the Union Interdisciplinary Ancient Theatre (GITA, Montpellier III) and has served as General Secretary of the World Association of Science Education (AMSE / WAER). He was also a member of the Board of Educational Society (ICS ) , is a founding member and Vice President of EL.E.I.E. ( Greek Society for Historians of Education ) . Finally , collaborating with the Institute of History and History of Education of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the University of Paris - Sorbonne 5 . He has been Deputy Chairman of the Department of Education and President of the Teachers ' Maria Amariotou "of the University of Crete .

Last modified: Tuesday, 4 March 2014, 1:45 PM