Inspirer and creator of the course was professor Christos Nikolaou, who aimed both to familiarize the students with a new science, the science of services, and to train them in mathematical tools designed to model complex service systems.
His comments in the preparation of the lectures and his active participation in teaching were deeply valuable over the years the course is taught.

Course description:

This course involves an introduction of Service Science. It integrates with game theory and economics, aiming to understand and improve service systems. Emphases are on new economy and how socioeconomic principles apply in emerging business models including networked enterprises and e-marketplaces.

Course content:

Part I: Service Science
- Introduction
- Basics of Network Economic
     Supply Chains
     Service Value Networks
- Tools

Part II: Mathematical Tools
- Firms - Basics of Industrial Organization
- Networks - Strategic Behaviour
     Basics of Game theory
     Markets and strategic interaction in Networksν

Keywords: Service science, game theory, service systems, value.

Last modified: Tuesday, 26 May 2015, 11:02 AM