CS428 - Embedded Systems Lab
Ενότητα: 5 
Άγγελος Μπίλας
Τμήμα Επιστήμης Υπολογιστών

Assignment 5: Build Your Own Project

The goal of this assignment is to use the infrastructure you have built in previous assignments. 

1. Get a lego kit from the lab

Return the components you have used for the previous assignment. For this assignment you will use a complete lego nxt kit. Follow the same procedure as for the previous assignments. Additional runes:
i. Build the mechanical part of your project in the lab and keep the kit in the lab. 
ii. You can write and test the code for your project anywhere with individual sensors.
iii. When you need to test the code with the full mechanical structure, do it in the lab.
iv. You will need to transfer and demo the project in-class, during the last class of the course.
v. You will return the kit after this and before the final exam.
Create a file as6_readme.txt that will contain any documentation you want to include with your code. 

2. Build a project 

Choose a project of your liking. Look around for ideas. Talk to fellow students about ideas and their feasibility. Cite any sources (url, books, discussion with others) you used to come up with your project. The project does not need to move on wheels. It can just be a stationary construct with moving parts and does something interesting (and hopefully, useful). 

Think through, upfront and before you get started, what will be the easy and what will be the challenging parts. Remember you have about the same time as an assignment for completing the project, so the challenging parts cannot be too many or too difficult. Plan to spend some time on the mechanical part of the project. 

Design the code that will control the project carefully. Write and debug small pieces independently. Use the code from your previous assignment and write new pieces that you need. Do not use any code from third parties. If you do so, mention in your readme file why you had to do this and specify which parts are not yours.

Test the project and make sure you can demonstrate it in class! Be prepared to: (1) show the most insteresting aspects of the project, (2) explain what was challenging about it, and (3) say what you would have liked to do, but did not have enough time.

3. Extra credit

4. Submit 
Submit all files required to run the assignment as a single as6_project.tar.gz file, including your comments in the readme file, using the submit procedure described in the policies section. Return the components you used for this assignment, following the procedure outlined in class. 

Άδειες Χρήσης
 •Το παρόν εκπαιδευτικό υλικό υπόκειται στην άδεια χρήσης Creative Commons και
Αναφορά - Μη εμπορική Χρήση - Όχι Παράγωγο Έργο 3.0 Ελλάδα
(Attribution - Non Commercial - Non-derivatives 3.0 Greece) 

•Εξαιρείται από την ως άνω άδεια υλικό που περιλαμβάνεται στις διαφάνειες
του μαθήματος, και υπόκειται σε άλλου τύπου άδεια χρήσης. Η άδεια χρήσης
στην οποία υπόκειται το υλικό αυτό αναφέρεται ρητώς.

•Το παρόν εκπαιδευτικό υλικό έχει αναπτυχθεί στα πλαίσια του εκπαιδευτικού έργου του διδάσκοντα.
•Το έργο «Ανοικτά Ακαδημαϊκά Μαθήματα στο Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης» έχει χρηματοδοτήσει μόνο τη αναδιαμόρφωση του εκπαιδευτικού υλικού. 
•Το έργο υλοποιείται στο πλαίσιο του Επιχειρησιακού Προγράμματος «Εκπαίδευση και Δια Βίου Μάθηση» και συγχρηματοδοτείται από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση (Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινωνικό Ταμείο) και από εθνικούς πόρους.


Last modified: Wednesday, 1 July 2015, 7:59 PM