Course Information


This course discusses the design, implementation, and evaluation of parallel computer architectures. Topics include: Shared address space and message passing programming paradigms, interactions between parallel programs and the underlying architecture, design and implementation of small and large-scale shared memory and message passing multiprocessors, issues in network interface design and scalable interconnection networks, clusters of workstations, performance evaluation.

Link to online course catalogue.



     First class on Thu 25 Sep 2014, 10:00-12:00, Room H208.







    Office Hours

    Angelos Bilas


    b i l a s @ c s d . u o c . g r

    By appointment


    Lecture 1

    Lecture 2

    Backup Lecture

    Tue 10:00-12:00, H208

    Thu 10:00-12:00, H208

    Fri 10:00-12:00, H206

Reading Material

Mark Distribution (Tentative)

The course for the mark will be computed from the assignments, class participation, and a final project.

  • Class participation: 20%
  • Assignments: 40% = 20% + 10% + 10%
  • Project: 40%

Last modified: Wednesday, 1 July 2015, 8:30 PM