Facebook Dating

The 5 most common mistakes guys make with girls on Facebook

Being Creepy

So many men ruin their chances to date a hot girl on Facebook because they have set off her creeper alert. Since it is really really easy to filter someone on facebook the creepy dudes not only get immediately ignored but often filtered to the point that you won’t be able to comment on her wall, see her photos. She might even go as far as to block you, and clearly you don’t want this!

I know you are not a creepy guy, but you may have no idea what sets this off in a woman. The really hot girls on facebook are attuned and are hypersensitive when you make the “innocent” comment like, “Wow…  you are a lot “bigger” than I thought!!” If she doesn’t know you well her first impulse will be to immediately put you in creeper category and back away. Not good… simple rule of thumb, develop rapport before you even consider making a sexual comment in any way shape or form.

Poor grammar/spelling

I used to be guilty of this as much as most guys and I would sound like a bit of a moron every time I sent an email. Fortunately by the time FB destroyed myspace I had figured out how important this is. Guys, intelligence is like adding an extra 2 inches to your penis but fortunately you don’t need to wear a swim cap attached to weights to achieve it. All you really have to do is be aware and religiously TRIPLE check your work.

You don’t need classes to get better at writing a girl on facebook, all you need do is put that little bit of effort every single time you send a mail. Eventually, you will become a better writer because you focus on it and your intellect (attractiveness) will come across loud and clear. Don’t be what I was, a smart guy that sounded like an idiot in print.

Crappy pictures

Very easy to remedy. Your main profile pic should be a headshot and there should be about 10 of these. Remove the ones of you and your dog, exgirl friend and dead deer. No girl wants to see these on your facebook and since this is the FIRST place any girl goes to check you out, you need to put on a good “face”.

Please be honest here, your modeling pics from 15 years ago, or back when you were 30 pounds lighter are not acceptable.

Too much information

This is were your FB account differs from an online dating account. You are not adding people with the premise that you want to date them, therefore I think you should stay away from this. Rather, she is going to get to know you from what you post on your wall  and from your pictures. She will see how you interact with other girls, your guy friends and generally how you behave in “public”.

Usually, less is more and I believe that a little bit of mystery very much increases sexual tension. One of the things girls say to me all the time is, “I just can’t read you” which is one of the best things I can get. I know that girl is going to pursue me until she figures me out, which of course I evade. Don’t give out too much info about yourself in facebook or have a little fun with it and lie your ass off.

Lousy banter/guy talk

Facebook banter is a massive subject that I go into much more detail in my book “facebook dating” but simply put it is being difficult and playful. If you want to meet and date that girl on facebook you got to have excellent banter, since she can’t see you. Often times this will work in your favor if you are shy in person or don’t feel you have a good presence. Sorry I don’t have enough room to go into it here but my book explains it well.

Guy talk is something you can easily avoid on your wall or in your pictures. You probably have no idea how psycho women are when it comes to creeping your facebook. They will go to extraordinary lengths to get that little tidbit of information about you. If you are talking to your buddy Jack about, “The bitches from last night” it won’t work in your favor. In fact you might just want to comb your whole profile now since I promise you, if she is interested she will go back a YEAR to see who you are.

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