Assignment 1: Translate program, due Tue, 24-Feb-2015, 23:59.
Assignment 2: A String Module, due Tue, 10-Mar-2015, 23:59.
Assignment 3: ADTs: Πίνακας Συμβόλων (Symbol Table), due Tue, 31-Mar-2015, 23:59.
Assignment 4: Sudoku checker, solver, and generator , due Tue, 28-Apr-2015, 23:59.
Assignment 5: C and Assembly Code Tutorial: Computing Sums, due Tue, 5-May-2015, 23:59.
Assignment 6: Systems Security: Buffer Overrun Attack, due Tue, 19-May-2015, 23:59.
Assignment Examination
First, read carefully the policies section. Each student will reserve a slot for a code review with the rendezvous utility.
Marking Procedures
Please read carefully the policies section.
Submission Procedures
Please read carefully the policies section.