Ψηφιακή Σχεδίαση
Topic outline
Logic using Switches, Multiplexors, ROM
Decoders and Memory Addresses, Relays, Coding and Combinations
Relationship between Multiplexors and Decoder, Feedback - Oscillators - Memory Elements, Logic Gates, Transistors and Chips, Combinational Circuits
Karnaugh maps, Boolean Algebra, RAM
Binary Numbers, Adders
Signed Integers, adders/subtracters, Flip-Flops
Review of the first half of the course
Latches, Registers, Two-Phase Clocks
Counter using Adder & Register, Edge-Triggering
Tristate Drivers, Buses, SRAM Memories
Finite state machines
A simple computer: datapath & arithmetic instructions
Branches, Indirect Accesses (Pointers) and on the Speed and Power Consumption of CMOS Circuits